BDeshTV USA : Hamburg Germany : 25th SMM opening : Shipbuilding Machinery Marine Technology
Mainul Islam Nasim
Great Shipbuilding Techniques - Real Monsters At Sea - TECHNOLOGY 4.0
Great Shipbuilding Techniques - Real Monsters At Sea - TECHNOLOGY 4.0 ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ Watch more video ...
Amazing giant steel shipbuilding process | Modern technology for shipbuilding.
Amazing giant steel shipbuilding process | Modern technology for shipbuilding. Thank you for watching my video, if it feels good, give me a like & comment Click ...
Saint-Gobain @ SMM 2012 Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology exhibition
Saint-Gobain Marine Applications will exhibit at SMM 2012 in Hall B5 Stand 406.
Saint-Gobain Marine
"Новатэк" инвестирует 100 миллиардов рублей в строительство верфи в Мурманской области - Россия 24
Более 100 миллиардов рублей инвестирует "Новатэк" в строительство верфи в поселке Белокаменка Мурманской области. Проект обеспечит регион ...
Россия 24
Документальные фильмы: История фарфора Часть 1
Документальные фильмы 04/10/2016 История фарфора Часть 1 Телеканал CCTV-русский Центрального телевидения Китая. Документальные фильмы ...
CCTV Русский
This Modern Shipbuilding Technology Will Show You How They Build Giant Ships
This Modern Shipbuilding Technology Will Show You How They Build Giant Ships In this video: Wartsila ABB Marine ...
Modern Creative
Лекция 2. Инструментализация деятельности и разделение труда" (Цикл лекций в Иркутске, 2011)
Цикл лекций П.Г. Щедровицкого «Повестка дня 2010-х» Лекция 2 "Инструментализация деятельности и разделение труда - основа экономического ...
Лекции П.Г. Щедровицкого
Как ИЗ РУИН появились автомобили, изменившие мир.
Таймкоды: 00:00 Вступление 06:58 Глава 1. Япония в конце XIX–начале XX вв 16:47 Глава 2. Первые попытки и первые автомобили Глава 3.
Асафьев Стас
Enseada Shipyard: high technology, powered by Kawasaki, in favor of Brazilian shipbuilding industry
Enseada Indústria Naval is a Brazilian shipyard located in the city of Maragojipe, Bahia, occupying an area of 1.6 million square meters, reprenting a private ...
«Техническая эстетика. Ленинград». Документальный фильм
Цикл документальных фильмов «Техническая эстетика» рассказывает о становлении профессии дизайнера в СССР и современной России, а также ...
Design Prosmotr
Institute of Marine technology, munshiganj ।। Rag day 2k19 ।। Marine & shipbuilding technology.
Institute of Marine technology, munshiganj ।। Rag day 2k19 ।। Marine & shipbuilding technology. Like,comment, share & Subscribe.
MLBD entertainment ltd
Future Of Shipbuilding Industry | Cattle Tracing System | Technology World | Ep 6
Watch future of shipbuilding industry Cattle Tracing System Technology World Ep 6 Only On Global Scitech. We are adding Information with More series ...
Global SciTech
Amazing Biggest Cruise Ship Construction Process. Modern Technology for Shipbuilding
Amazing Biggest Cruise Ship Construction Process. Modern technology for Shipbuilding #DTech #CruiseShip #Ship In this video, Production here: ...
D Tech
В. Г. МОРСКОЙ СЕРВИС, судоремонт, судостроение
В. Г. МОРСКОЙ СЕРВИС, судоремонт, судостроение.
The watertight-bulkhead technology of Chinese junks
UNESCO: List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding - 2010 URL: Description: Takes note ...
Navantia - A state-owned military shipbuilding; design and construction of high technology vessels.
The unmanned surface vehicle (USV), Vendaval, the first deployed for mission operations in Spain. Courtesy: Navantia Official.
Suresh Somu
Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory
Prof. Nicholas G Tsouvalis presents Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory.
Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center, Russia
JSC "Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center" (founded in 1939) is a leading design and technological center in the Russian shipbuilding sector.
Ship building doesn't get any faster than this!
This time-lapse footage shows the first finished blocks being moved from our shed to Berth 12 in the Sembawang Shipyard, where RV Investigator is being ...
Miller's AlumaFeed™ System Excels in Aluminum Shipbuilding
With Miller's AlumaFeed™ Synergic Aluminum Welding System, Bollinger Shipyards is able to simplify operation, improve productivity, improve quality, reduce ...
Miller Welders
Cinematic Timelapse of LNG Powered AIDAnova Cruise Ship
Built at Meyer and Neptun Shipyards in Germany and Meyer Turku in Finland, AIDAnova is the first of a new generation of LNG Powered Cruise Ships for ...
MK timelapse GmbH
How did medieval seafarers turn trees into boat parts?
In this video, Professor Jon Adams explains the techniques by which shipwrights have converted the trees of the forest into the components of the boats in which ...
Запущены реакторы самого мощного в мире российского атомного ледокола «Арктики»
Запущены реакторы самого мощного в мире российского атомного ледокола «Арктики» Поддержать канал:
24 NEWS plus
Discover shipbuilding technology, transport ships, yachts
Discover shipbuilding technology, transport ships, yachts.
Innovative Technology Solutions
Cюжет про углепластик и компанию Росатома Umatex от YouTube-канала DreadCraftStation:
creation of cruises. Incredible launch and shipbuilding technology,,creación de cruceros.
4k tv
Shipbuilding Technology Forum 2018 | Vanguard Magazine
The Shipbuilding Technology Forum is a one-day conference that is intended to showcase emerging technologies, address a range of marine and shipbuilding ...
Vanguard Canada
SMM - shipbuilding, machinery & marine technology - international trade fair, hamburg
Die SMM ist das führende internationale Forum der maritimen Industrie. Alle zwei Jahre treffen sich Vertreter der Schiffbau- und Schiffbauzulieferindustrie aus ...
Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
EWM Welding ForceArc
Инновационная технология forceArc® для ручной и автоматизированной работы Более экономичная, более качественная и более эффективная сварка ...
Schiffbau Impressionen 2016 | Shipbuilding Impressions 2016
Innovationen & Technologien – Unsere Schiffbau-Highlights 2016 zeigen einmal mehr, wofür die MEYER WERFT steht. Innovation & Technology – Our ...
[Shipbuilding Technology] P1, Propeller install and remove, Ép chân vịt (Phương pháp ép giãn côn)
Shipbuilding Technology Cận cảnh lắp ráp chong chóng tàu thủy Chủ đề: Công nghệ đóng tàu Tiêu đề: Ép chân vịt Topic: Shipbuilding Technology Tiltle: Install ...
Shipbuilding Technology
Russian Shipbuilding Technology
Обычный рабочий день на судостроительном заводе.
Николай Николюк
Абитуриенту-2021: Магистратура и аспирантура в СФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ
Общая информация для поступающих в магистратуру и аспирантуру в 2021 году, особенности подготовки по направлениям "Ядерные физика и ...
Extreme Constructions: The Meraviglia Cruise Ship | Free Documentary
Extreme Constructions Cruise Ship | Engineering Documentary Extreme Constructions: Thunder Boat: 315 metres long, 65 metres ...
Free Documentary