Richard Rhodes | Energy—A Human History
Pulitzer Prize- and National Book Award-winning author Richard Rhodes reveals the fascinating history behind energy transitions over time—wood to coal to oil ...
Stanford ENERGY
Gundersen #OysterCreek #Nuke Emergency by #Sandy TidalSurge 台風で米国 #原発 危機!
* Arnie, it's good to have you back again. We were speaking to you yesterday. Talk about the state of the nuclear power plants along the East Coast as you ...
Jo2 R ayden
Mod-10 Lec-18 Siting of Nuclear plants
NUCLEAR REACTORS AND SAFETY- AN INTRODUCTION by Dr.G.Vaidyanathan,SRM University.For more details on NPTEL visit
Conversations | Confronting Climate Change Denial
As the writer David Wallace-Wells outlines in The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future, the catastrophic consequences of climate change are 'worse, much ...
Art Basel
Creating Sustainable Solutions: Catalyst
An Arizona State University engineer develops a monitor that may save lives. The aging infrastructure of Los Angeles may provide lessons to learn for the Valley.
Arizona State University
Linking Coronavirus, Climate Crisis, Sea Level and environmental concerns at NFLA meeting in Suffolk
In the introduction to her talk guest speaker Linda Pentz Gunter said "To put a nuclear plant (power station) on a beach is some sort of level of insanity" referring ...
BANNG matters
Fukushima Accident and its Aftermath | Naomi Hirose | Energy Seminar
Eight years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Steady progress has been ...
Stanford ENERGY
Climate Security: A Pre-Mortem Approach to a Sustainable Global Future
Climate Security has been described as the defining threat of the 21st Century. John Comiskey and Michael Larrañaga take a “pre-mortem” look at this emerging ...
Center for Homeland Defense and Security Naval Postgraduate School
Alexander Cannara - Energy Basics @ TEAC3
Presented at the 3rd Thorium Energy Alliance Conference, in Washington DC by Alexander Cannara. Featured in and available on DVD ...
How could a move to Small Modular Reactors affect Nuclear Safety Risk
If the UK were to move from a new build programme focused around large (~1000 MWe+) Reactors to ones focused on a greater number of smaller reactors, ...
The Nuclear Institute UK
The Gulf Stream Explained
Learn about the role of the sea in global warming. The global conveyer belt is part of the large-scale ocean circulation that is driven by differences in the density ...
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Quantifying the Risk of Nuclear Fuel Recycling Facilities - B. John Garrick
Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry and Fuel Cycle Separations Presented by Vanderbilt University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and ...
Vanderbilt University
The Elder Scrolls: A Promise Unfulfilled | Complete Elder Scrolls Documentary, History and Analysis
In my very first feature-length documentary/analysis video, I take a look at the best-selling RPG series: The Elder Scrolls, from its humble beginnings in Arena, ...
Indigo Gaming
Physical Security - Part 1
ORNL Supplementary Videos
Fukushima and its Lessons for Nuclear Safety
Edwin Lyman presents "Fukushima: a Story of a Nuclear Disaster," based on his recently published book. Speaker Biography: Edwin Lyman is a senior scientist ...
Library of Congress
The Next Big UK Flood: Britain Under Water - Professor Carolyn Roberts
Serious flooding and the water security of the nation's water are Professor Roberts' topics in this lecture: ...
Gresham College
Mod-01 Lec-01 Energy Sources
NUCLEAR REACTORS AND SAFETY- AN INTRODUCTION by Dr.G.Vaidyanathan,SRM University.For more details on NPTEL visit
The potential for tidal range energy systems to provide continuous power
Energy Futures Lab's weekly research webinars are delivered by staff and students from across Imperial College London and further afield. In this webinar ...
Energy Futures Lab
Why Aren't We Recycling Used Nuclear Fuel, part 4
Dr. Steve Piet addresses why we aren't recycling used nuclear fuel in the U.S. The 1-hour talk given to Friends for Learning, April 3, 2015, in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Steve Piet
Stemming the Tide Symposium: Opening Keynote Address
Kenneth Kimmell, President, Union of Concerned Scientists, presents the opening keynote address. On Thursday, March 5, Smithsonian American Art Museum ...
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Folding Door Hatches! - Cargo Vessel - Stormworks: Build and Rescue - Part 4
Time to add some hatches to the top of our cargo bays. I wanted to use a different system for this instead of having huge doors opening up. So, here we have a ...
Flooding in America’s Heartland
Miami may be the poster child of rising waters in the U.S., but further inland, states are grappling with torrential flooding that is becoming the new norm. Last year ...
Climate One
Assessing Geohazards for UK Nuclear Newbuilds - Bryan Lovell Meeting 2019
Geography and You magazine analysis 16 to 30 September 2018 for UPSC Civil Services exam & State PSC
Click here to Download our Android APP to have access to 1000's of #Smart_Courses covering length and breadth of almost all ...
Study IQ education
The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Power: A Regulator's Perspective
The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Power: A Regulator's Perspective - Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. April 21, 2011.
Johns Hopkins University
NJ Climate Change Solutions Part 3: What's on The Horizon for Implementing NJ's Climate Agenda?
1/22/21 -- Join New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and NJDEP Acting Commissioner Shawn LaTourette with the latest updates on how New Jersey plans to ...
Rutgers EOAS
COL Paul E. Roege - Can nuclear energy fill critical gaps in the military energy portfolio? @ TEAC3
Presented at the 3rd Thorium Energy Alliance Conference, in Washington DC by Colonel Paul E. Roege of United States Army Capabilities Integration Center.
Lecture 08 Energy Transition - Hydropower
Historical overshoot- and undershoot water wheels, Kaplan-, Francis-, and Pelton turbines, efficiency calculation and comparison, Run-of-River plants, storage ...
Stefan Krauter
Sea Secrets 2021 with UM NOAA Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS)
From the Deepest Oceans to the Highest Clouds University of Miami NOAA Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies Since its founding in 1977, ...
Future Energy, Thorium and the LFTR reactor
The science, technology and economics of using Thorium in a power generating nuclear reactor and the future of energy over the next 20 to 50 years ...
ARCoES Project - Science in Society
The aim of the ARCoES project is to provide evidence and guidance that enables effective adaptation to the consequences of climate change at the coast, thus ...
NOC news
Nuclear Energy: Lessons From Japan
The nuclear crisis in Japan has the world asking questions about the future of nuclear energy. A panel of Penn State experts addresses public concerns about ...
Applied Sciences Week 2020 - 4 of 4 - Final Day
Applied Sciences Week 2020 is NASA's Earth Applied Sciences Program end-of-summer showcase. Held on August 3-6, 2020, the annual event highlighted ...
NASA Video
FCAT Events: FCAT's Mining Summit 2019 (pt 1)
One of the most misconceived topics in bitcoin is mining. Fidelity Center for Applied Technology hosted a one day event digging into the topic of mining, focusing ...
Fidelity Center for Applied Technology
Tidal Power 101
Tidal power converts the energy from the natural rise and fall of the tides into electricity. Learn more about Tidal Power and all types of energy at ...
Student Energy
Daily The Hindu Analysis // 12th February 2021
#UPSC #IAS #Prelims2021 #DailyCurrentAffairs #Mains2021 #civilservices #RajMalhotraIAS #iascoaching #iascoachingchandigarh #upscchandigarh ...
Raj Malhotra's IAS Coaching in Chandigarh
Geodesign with Little Time and Small Data
Carl Steinitz, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Emeritus, at Harvard University Graduate School of Design recounts a geodesign workshop ...
Full Program: Flooding in America's Heartland
Climate One's online program "Flooding in America's Heartland" was recorded on July 28, 2020.
Climate One
Can Nuclear Energy Contribute to Britain's Sustainable Future?
Energy is a necessity for humanity. The world largely recognises that fossil fuel led energy is unsustainable. The debate rages between those who recoil at the ...
Vichaar Manthan
What has nature ever done for us? Tony Juniper at TEDxExeter
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx ...
TEDx Talks
NEA 2012 Panel Discussion on Nuclear Plant Safety Post-Fukushima
Tony Pietrangelo, Chief Nuclear Officer of the Nuclear Energy Institute, moderates a panel discussion on nuclear plant safety post-Fukushima at the 2012 ...
Nuclear Energy Institute
Disasters in India - An Introduction - For GS 2 and GS 3 Of UPSC CSE/ IAS 2018 2019 By Roman Saini
Disasters in India - An Introduction - For GS 2 and GS 3 Of UPSC CSE/ IAS 2018 2019 By Roman Saini In this lesson, Roman Saini gives a basic introduction to ...
Let's Crack UPSC CSE