Lec 12 Impedance Matching Techniques
Impedance Matching by Quarter-Wave Transformer Impedance Matching by Series Elements Impedance Matching by Single Series stub Impedance Matching ...
Photonics in Arabic فوتونيكس بالعربى
Transmission Lines | Transit Time Effect
Kapil Gavali
MTTS 2020: Test Methods to Determine Dielectric Constant for High Frequency Circuit Materials
There are a number of test methods to determine the dielectric constant of circuit materials used in the microwave or high frequency industry. In this video ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
Cable Basics; Transmission, Reflection, Impedance Matching, TDR
Instruments such as the Analog Arts ST985 (www.analogarts.com), based on the TDR and wave transmission concept, characterize the length, impedance, and ...
Signal reflections and Transmission lines - Ec-Projects
"Quick" introduction to signal reflections! A few things I forgot to mention, that I noticed when I edited the video. This is a big topic for PCB design as well!
Lecture -- High Level Solution Approach for Finite-Difference Analysis of Transmission Lines
This video outlines the high level solution approach for analyzing transmission lines. The approach approximates the problem as an electrostatics problem.
High Frequency Techniques
This show is part of an on-going series from National Semiconductor. The seriesis called "Analog by Design Show - Hosted by Bob Pease". This is show 10.
High Frequency Circuits in Nanoscale CMOS - Opportunities and Challenges
Lecturer: Eran Socher 6th workshop, The Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Tel Aviv University, February 09-11, 2010, Maalot, Israel.
Nader Behdad | High-Frequency Microwave Ablation Antennas for Minimally-Invasive Treatment of Cancer
Microwave ablation (MWA) employs an interstitial antenna to deliver microwave energy directly into a cancerous tumor and heat it to cytotoxic temperatures.
University of Michigan Engineering
Part 7: How to Design a Stable High Frequency Amplifier
This short video series introduces stability analysis in high frequency circuit design. Stability analysis is becoming much more critical in modern high frequency ...
Keysight Design Software
How to: TX-Line for Transmission Line Calculations
University video. This video presents the Circuit Representation of Transmission Lines.
AWR Design Environment
Propagation constant, Characteristic impedance and reflection coefficient
Lecture series on Transmission Lines and E.M Waves by Prof. R.K.Shevgaonkar, Dept of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay For more details on NPTEL visit ...
Understanding Dk Measurements at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies
In this edition of Coonrod's Corner, John Coonrod talks about understanding Dk measurements at millimeter-wave frequencies. There are many different test ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
The Power of S-parameters for High Speed Digital Design
This video describes the advantages and use of S-parameters for High Speed Digital Design. For more information: ...
Keysight Design Software
Critical Aspects of Dielectric Constant Properties for High Frequency Circuit Design
John Coonrod,Technical Marketing Manager, Rogers Corporation, Advanced Connectivity Solutions, www.rogerscorp.com/ACS This webinar addresses all ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
High Frequency Materials for 5G Base Station Applications
5G is the next generation of wireless telecommunication networks, and there are substantial differences with previous generation technologies, which place ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
Measurement Of Characteristic Impedance of a Transmission Line | Electronics & Telecommunicaion |
Antenna and Microwave Engineering, V Sem,ETE CO2 This is to Explain, Demonstrate, Measure and Calculate Basic Transmission Line/Waveguide ...
High Frequency Materials and Characterization up to Millimeter Wave Frequencies
Microwave circuit designers have many powerful tools. However most are strongly dependent on the accuracy of the input data. High frequency printed circuit ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
Stripline Performance at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies
Stripline structures have a lot of benefits, but they can be a little more difficult to implement at high frequencies. Watch as John Coonrod explains a number of ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
Webinar: Effect of Conductor Profile Structure on Propagation in Transmission Lines
This webinar will cover the following topics: copper foil basics, copper profile measurements, hammerstad & Jensen and Sonnet software correlation, Hall-Huray ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
How to Do Room Measurements Using REW Software
This is a tutorial on how to use the REW acoustic measurement program to make in-room measurements of your home theater system. This guide will teach you ...
How to Perform Frequency Response Analysis on an Oscilloscope - Scopes University - (S1E6)
In this episode of Scopes University, we will learn how to do Frequency Response Analysis, or FRA, on an oscilloscope. This Keysight exclusive application ...
Keysight Labs
How Information Travels Wirelessly
Understanding how we use electromagnetic waves to transmit information. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ...
6 tips to improve your lock-in amplifier measurements
This video guides you through several methods that can dramatically improve the results of your lock-in amplifier measurements. It's a practical checklist of best ...
Zurich Instruments
Electromagnetic Spectrum: Microwaves
Electromagnetic radiation which has a longer wavelength (between 1 mm and 30 cm) than visible light. Microwaves can be used to study the Universe, ...
Clinical use of high frequency linear probe in first and second trimester of pregnancy
Dr. Tomasz Jachymski from the Medical University of Lodz in Poland shares his expereince of clinical use of high frequency linear probes in the first and second ...
Philips Healthcare
Webinar - Power Measurement & Harmonic Analysis
This 1-hour seminar is packed with tips and techniques for making accurate power measurements on distorted waveforms like from a Power Supply, Electronic ...
Yokogawa Test&Measurement
Measurement of PIM Distortion in Microstrip Transmission Lines
Understanding the factors contributing to the generation of passive intermodulation distortion in multi-frequency communication systems is a subject of interest to ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
Impedance Transformation
Lecture series on Transmission Lines and E.M Waves by Prof. R.K.Shevgaonkar, Dept of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay For more details on NPTEL visit ...
Losses Associated with Microwave Transmission
Basic Building Blocks of Microwave Engineering
Common Test Methods for Measuring Dielectric Constant
There are a number of test methods to determine the dielectric constant of circuit materials used in the microwave or high frequency industry. Learn about the ...
Rogers Corp. ACS
Simple High-Frequency Resonant Gate Drive for MOSFET - Concept and Simulation
This circuit simulation shows a simple method for implementing a high-frequency resonant gate drive. The primary goal is to significantly reduce current stress ...
Kevin Patterson
Op-Amp: Gain Bandwidth Product and Frequency Response
In this video, the frequency response and the gain bandwidth product of an op-amp have been discussed. Gain bandwidth product is a very important parameter ...
Transmission Lines Ch. 4 - Lecture 1
Hussain Kassim
A New Calibration Method for Characterization of PCB Insertion Loss
The Lecture: There are several existing techniques like Direct Loss Subtraction, Through-Reflection-Line (TRL) calibration and Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR) ...
Extreme manipulation of electromagnetic waves with metamaterials: George Eleftheriades at TEDxUofT
George Eleftheriades is a recognized international authority and pioneer in the new area of metamaterials: Man-made media with electromagnetic properties ...
TEDx Talks
Distance to Fault and Time Domain Reflectometry with FieldFox | Keysight
This video will show how FieldFox can determine if there are faults in a transmission line, where the faults are, and the nature of the faults with a single ...
Keysight Technologies, Inc.
Lecture-41-Transmission Lines
Electro Magnetic Field.
How to Measure Flow with Magnets - (Magnetic Flow Meters)
What happens when a civil engineer mixes water and electricity? The results aren't always ideal, but you always learn something! A magnetic flow meter relies ...
Practical Engineering
EC8452 MCQ | Electronic circuits II MCQ | Distortion in power amplifiers MCQ | EC II MCQ
This video gives the 25 important multiple choice questions and answers from the topic Distortion in power amplifiers from unit 5.
RF Design Basics and Pitfalls
2014 QCG Technology Forum. All rights reserved. This 38 minute presentation will introduce the non-RF specialist engineer to basic RF system and circuit ...
Technology Forum
Webinar Basics of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
First in an on-going series of Free Webinars - Basics of EIS presented live on March 26, 2020 hosted by Gamry Instruments and presented by Dr. Jacob Ketter.
Gamry Instruments